Our Company Values

Ever wonder what values are of importance to CSS?

Craftsmanship – Integrity – Support – Collaboration

These words on their own stand for quite a bit, combined all together they represent everything that CSS Office Solutions Inc. is and fully represents.

As we reframe the mindset and understanding of the moving and office furniture industry, it is important to comprehend that there’s a difference in the professionalism and sense of care shown when a company truly lives up to the values they showcase.  Thinking about a company that not only talks the talk but walks the talk they speak of.

This is why a couple years ago, the owners, Brent and Jaclyn, did some hard work and brainstorming on what the company values should be and how they would represent what CSS is known for, recognized for, and how we’re different than our industry competitors!

The exercise of developing and capturing company values into a word is only one part of the equation.  It is equally important to define what the values mean and how they’re physically showcased in the workplace.  This is the part that helps everyone understand how we demonstrate these values vs. just saying them out loud or publishing them on our website.

When CSS rebranded from C.S.S. Office Furniture Systems Service Inc. to CSS Office Solutions Inc., we thought this was the perfect time to refine our company values and present them in a way for our staff, clients and suppliers to easily grasp.

We proceeded to create a chart that listed each company value in one column, the next column clarified how we express the identified value and the last column recognizes the outcome of living and showcasing this value in the workplace.  It is a brilliant chart and has certainly guided the conversations with our staff about what each quality or value is meant to be, and how they contribute to the company values every day they put the green CSS shirt on.

Craftsmanship, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?  For us this is pretty clear: we do the right things right!  We’re all about the quality of work that’s produced, not the quantity.  At the end of the day, our employees, clients and suppliers know that we’re doing the right things right and that represents extreme pride in the work performed and the outcome of that work.

Integrity was at the top of the list during the value exercise that was completed.  If you’re not integral, what are you?  If you’re not going to do what you said you were going to do, what does that make you?  At CSS, we wholeheartedly appreciate what having an integral business and operating practices actually represents – so much more than just doing what we say we’re going to do.  Having integrity at the forefront of our values and represented in each day means that as a client, supplier or employee you have a feeling of confidence in having a business partner that’s entirely integral.

Collaboration is a word that we all hear so often but sometimes get swayed in the true meaning.  At CSS, we collaborate in all aspects and in all roles of our business.  This means going the extra mile to ensure everyone knows what’s going on, and being all on the same page.  When collaboration is represented in proper form, the benefit of that is effectiveness.  Effectiveness is the communication, the relationship between client and supplier plus everything that is in between that.

Another way that CSS represents collaboration in the workplace is through cross-functionally trained staff.  All of our staff take on many more roles than just one, not a single person at CSS has just one function.  At work, we collaborate as a team to be all effective members of the company.  We truly do what it takes to get the job done, so it is a win-win for everyone!

Last of the CSS corporate values to cover, but certainly not the least is: support.  If you’re not supported, you don’t feel very supported.  Yes, that is a lot of supports in one sentence, but seriously, how many times have you felt truly supported at work as an employee, as a client, or as a supplier? Providing support for all interactions we encounter is a wonderful thing, and it is sometimes neglected in our industry.  When you’re feeling supported from all sides, you feel as if you’re part of the trusted team, the trusted support of everyone around you.  Having the right support allows you as a client to make the right decisions, knowing you have the right information at your fingertips.

We know these values can read as just words on paper, but at CSS we’ve managed to improve our business practices and processes by using these values to guide our decisions, evaluate opportunities and choose better over the same old.

Choosing corporate values isn’t something to take lightly, and they’re surely not created overnight.  Identifying important values takes a deep look as how you want your company to be talked about ‘behind your back’ and what you want your staff to think of when they put on the company uniform.

Which by the way, in CSS’ case is a green company shirt, which is why you’ll hear us mention coming over to the green side – just a little tidbit I thought was relevant.

Each time our staff put on the green CSS uniform, they show up to represent collaboration, integrity, support and craftsmanship.

Values are important to share amongst your team, your client and any stakeholders in your company.  But don’t just share them, live them and represent them!

If you’re interested in learning more about CSS’ values, how they came to be, or what it feels like to be a client that experiences these components of our business, feel free to contact our office anytime via phone or email!

We’re always happy to help and provide a valuable working relationship that’s built on so much more than just getting the work done.

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Our new address is:

2620 – 61 Avenue SE,

Calgary, AB T2C 4V2

Moving forward, all pickups and drop-offs will be at our new location. 

We’re excited to serve you at our new home!